
Write snippets of code in your documentation and execute them as regression tests.

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How to use a docker image

Imagine that you want to use an interpreter that it is not installed in your system but it is in a docker image.

For example, the C++ interpreter cling is available in the eldipa/cling docker image.

Let’s say that you want to use that.

First, of course, you need to download the image from the docker registry:

$ sudo docker pull eldipa/cling              # byexample: +skip

Now, create a script to run cling in the container:

docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd):/mnt" -w /mnt eldipa/cling cling "$@"

Call the script

Assuming it is saved in /home/john/, give it execution permissions with chmod u+x /home/john/

The script will start a temporal interactive docker container and run inside cling and it will mount the current directory from your host to /mnt.

When the script is executed by byexample, the current directory will be the same of byexample.

Finally, run byexample with a custom shebang and an extra timeout (running docker is a little slow):

$ byexample -l cpp -x-shebang="cpp:sudo /home/john/ %a" -x-dfl-timeout 30 <files>    # byexample: +skip

If you prefer you can write this long command line in a file for easy reuse:

# boptions.args file
-x-shebang=cpp:sudo /home/john/ %a

So you can then run byexample as follows:

$ byexample @boptions.args <files>    # byexample: +skip

Shorter, isn’t?

Of course this example for C++ can be applied to any language/interpreter and used in combination with interpreters that don’t require of docker.

The following combines C++ (in a docker) and Python (in the host) without a problem:

$ byexample @boptions.args -l python <files>    # byexample: +skip

Make sudo passwordless to avoid timeouts

In the example above I use sudo to run This is in general required because running docker is a privileged operation.

Unfortunately this makes sudo to ask for a password and byexample currently does not support that.

The solution is to make sudo passwordless for editing your sudoers file with visudo.

Run sudo visudo and add the following line:

john ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /home/john/

This tells sudo to not ask for a password (NOPASSWD) when the user john is trying to execute the program /home/john/ to run it as root.

Of course you will have to put your username and the full path of in that line.

You can test that the sudoers rule is properly working running sudo /home/john/ by hand. It should open the cling shell without asking a password.

Issue: sudo still requires a password / prompt not found

If you see something like

$ byexample @boptions.args <files>    # byexample: +skip
[w] Initialization of Cpp Runner failed.
[!] Something went wrong processing the file <...>:
Prompt not found: the code is taking too long to finish or there is a syntax error.

Last 1000 bytes read:
[sudo] password for john:

Rerun with -vvv to get a full stack trace.

That indicates that sudo is not passwordless for yet.

Check that you used the correct full path to the script in both byexample and in the sudoers file. (Something like /home/john/

Check also that you correctly typed the username.

Then, run sudo /home/john/ and it should not require a password.

Ensure also that the script does not call sudo itself (the script should run docker run... and not sudo docker run...).

sudo will not give you a hint of what it is the problem. If something does not match perfectly, sudo will fallback and ask a password.

Issue: docker permission denied

If you get something like

docker: Got permission denied

That means that you need to use sudo as explained above.