
Write snippets of code in your documentation and execute them as regression tests.

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Define New Zones Where to Find Examples

There are three different ways in which byexample can be extended:

  • define zones where to find examples
  • support new languages: how to find them and how to run them
  • perform arbitrary actions during the execution

byexample uses the concept of modules: a python file with some extension classes defined there. Modules can be loaded using --modules <dir> from the command line.

What extension classes will depend of what you want to extend or customize.

In this how-to we will see how to define new zones where to find examples.

Check how to support new finders and languages and how to hook to events with concerns for a how-to about the first two items.

How to define new zones

byexample searches for examples in particular zones of a file. What zones will depend of the kind of file.

For Python files it searches them in the docstrings, in Ruby files it searches them in the comments.

By default, if no particular zone is defined byexample searches the example in the whole file.

But searching in the whole file without any structure could lead to false positives.

You can define new zones for a type of files just creating a ZoneDelimiter subclass.

Imagine that you want to find examples in a HTML file and you want to ignore everything except the code between <pre> and </pre> tags.

This is what you need to write:

>>> from byexample import regex as re
>>> from byexample.finder import ZoneDelimiter

>>> class HTMLPreBlockDelimiter(ZoneDelimiter):
...     target = '.html'
...     def zone_regex(self):
...         return re.compile(r'<pre>(?P<zone>.*?)</pre>', re.DOTALL | re.UNICODE)
...     def get_zone(self, match, where):
...         return ZoneDelimiter.get_zone(self, match, where)

That’s it.

The target indicates the file extension of the files that will be delimited by this code. It can be a string with a single extension file or a list or set of several extensions.

The zone_regex method should return a regular expression to find and capture the zones.

And optionally, the get_zone can be overridden to post-process the captured string: use it to remove any spurious string that may had been captured.

Changed in byexample 10.0.0. Before 10.0.0 you could return a Python regular expression but from 10.0.0 and on, you need to return the regular expressions created by byexample.regex. The module is almost identical to Python’s re so the required changes are minimal.

Concurrency model

Each ZoneDelimiter instance will be created once during the setup of byexample and then it will be created once per job thread.

By default there is only one job thread but more threads can be added with the --jobs option.

The instances are independent and therefore thread-safe.

If you want to share data among them you will have to use a thread-safe structures created by a sharer and store them in a namespace.

In the concurrency model documentation it is explained and in byexample/modules/ you can see a concrete example.

Changed in byexample 10.0.0. Before 10.0.0 you were forced to use multiprocessing by hand but in 10.0.0 the concurrency model is hidden so you cannot relay on multiprocessing because byexample may not use processes at all! sharer and namespace are objects that hide the details while allowing you to have the same power.

ZoneDelimiter initialization

If you extend ZoneDelimiter and decide to implement your own __init__, you must ensure that you call ZoneDelimiter’s __init__ method passing to it all the keyword-only arguments that you received.

Once done that, you can use the self.cfg property to access any configuration set in byexample including the flags/options set (self.cfg.options).

In the __init__ you can also change the value of target to something different. This allows you to change what type of files you are going to processes based on the configuration or you can disable the zone finder entirely setting = None.

See Extension initialization for more about this and some troubleshooting.

New in byexample 11.0.0: self.cfg was introduced.