
Write snippets of code in your documentation and execute them as regression tests.

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Run the Javascript examples calling byexample as:

$ byexample -l javascript your-file-here                # byexample: +skip

byexample can execute Javascript code using nodejs.

You can get the nodejs interpreter from here.

Stability: experimental - non backward compatibility changes are possible or even removal between versions (even patch versions).

Versions tested

We tested byexample with the following versions of the language and the underlying runner or interpreter:

Language Runner/Interpreter
10.x 10.24.1
12.x 12.22.12
14.x 14.20.0
15.x 15.14.0
16.x 16.16.0

Find interactive examples

For Javascript, byexample uses the > string as the primary prompt and . as the secondary prompt.

> function mul(a, b) {
.   return a * b;
. }

> mul(4, 2)

The snippets can be inside of a Javascript comment as well.

The examples are detected as long as they begin with the correct prompts and they are separated by a blank line or has a lower indentation level:

  Javascript comment here, now and example:
  > 1 + 2

  More comments. Notice the extra blank line between this text and
  the previous example.

  Here is another example, indented this time:
    > 4 + 4
  More comments. Notice there is no need for a blank line this time
  because this text has a lower indentation level.

Pretty print

byexample uses the default pretty printer of nodejs.

Definitions with and without var

An object definition without var will print itself:

> var o1 = 1
> o2 = 2

Trailing whitespace

Some objects are printed with a trailing whitespace but this should be inoffensive.

Note: for 7.x.x versions of byexample you need to use +norm-ws to ignore the whitespace explicitly.

Changed in byexample 8.0.0: the trailing whitespace is not a problem anymore unless you are using the as-is terminal emulation mode.

Too deep nested objects

If an object is too nested, nodejs will just say [Object], this may or may not be a problem, just keep it in mind:

> {a: {b: {c: {d: {}}}}}
{ a: { b: { c: [Object] } } }

Undefined is not printed

Functions definitions and other expression returns undefined which can be annoying to keep checking for it each time.

byexample will not print them:

> var o = {}
> o.noexistent

If you want to check for an undefined value, use ===

> o.noexistent === undefined

This affects only the return value, not the value of a more complex object, like an array with undefined values:

> [1, undefined, 2]
[ 1, undefined, 2 ]

Known limitations

Comments may affect the output

This may sound crazy but I found that if you add a // comment or a /* comment */ at the end of an example of a literal object (like a nested object), the output may not be the full object.

This is important because byexample uses the // comment as a way to pass options and flags to the example.

The best solution seems to use a temporal variable:

> var tmp = [1, 2, 3];
> tmp   // some comment
[ 1, 2, 3 ]

Anonymous functions

Functions can be created but the cannot be anonymous, this is a nodejs limitation.

This would fail:

function () {
  return 1 + 1;

Anonymous functions can be created as part of a larger example.

> var a = [1, 2, 3]
> (i) { return i * 2; })
[ 2, 4, 6 ]

Unexpected outputs

I didn’t expect this:

> var j = 2;
> for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
.    j += i;
. };

Also, creating a readline interface (readline module, createInterface function) may enable the echo mode so all the code that byexample types will be reflected in the output.

You can avoid this passing false to terminal option of createInterface (see the reference) but still there may be spurious outputs.

Abort on a timeout

If a Javascript example takes too long and timeout, the whole execution timeout.

Type text

The type feature (+type) is not supported.

Javascript specific options

$ byexample -l javascript --show-options       # byexample: +norm-ws
javascript's specific options