
Write snippets of code in your documentation and execute them as regression tests.

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Where and How Should I Write the Examples?

For Markdown files (those with the .md extension), byexample searches examples inside of code blocks or comments: anything that it is between ```<language> and ``` or between <!-- and -->. There is where you should write them.

For Python files (.py extension) you should write your examples in the docstring of modules, classes, methods and functions.

For Ruby files (.rb extension), Shell files (.sh), C++ files (.cpp and .h), Javascript files (.js) and PHP files (.php) you should write the examples in the comments of the source code.

For the rest of the files, the examples are searched in the entire file so you are free to write your examples anywhere.

Once you decided where, it is time to write them prefixing them with a prompt.

How to do that it will depend of the language of the example: >>> is the prompt for Python examples, >> for Ruby, $ for Shell.

No matter in which file you are writing the examples, the language is defined only by the prompt.

So you could write Python examples inside of a Ruby (.rb) file. In fact you could write examples in different languages inside any file.

Here are some examples of Python and Ruby examples:

>>> 1 + 2   # python
>> 3 * 3    # ruby
=> 9

Notice how after the prompt you write a snippet of code and in the next line the expected value.

Multi line examples are supported too using a secondary prompt:

>>> [1, 2,      # python
...  3, 4]
[1, 2, 3, 4]
>> puts "a long
.. text line"   # ruby
a long
text line

I highly recommend to you to read the documentation of language of your choice in docs/languages to learn more about how to write examples and docs/examples to see some examples.

For the advanced reader or the curious mind, check out how to support new finders and languages Take a look if you want to add new languages and extend the capabilities of byexample or if you are just curious of how this works.

Full example

Take a look to this Markdown file, it has one Python example and just one:

$ cat test/ds/
This a Markdown file with some examples embebed
like this one:
    >>> 1 + 2
However anything outside of a code block or comment
is ignored:
    >>> like this, this is not an example
    so it is not executed

Let’s run it:

$ byexample -l python test/ds/
File test/ds/, 1/1 test ran in <...> seconds
[PASS] Pass: 1 Fail: 0 Skip: 0

Once again I highly recommend to you to read the documentation of language of your choice in docs/languages and see some examples in docs/examples.

Detect the end of an example

byexample detects the end of an example when:

  • it is followed by a prompt (the next example begins with >>> for example)
  • there is a blank line
  • it is followed by text with a lower indentation level
  • it is the end of the file or search area (like the end of a Markdown code block)

This is an example showing those four cases:

>>> 1   # example 1 delimited by the second >>>
>>> 2   # example 2 delimited by a blank line

    >>> 3   # example 3 delimited by a text with a lower indentation level
# this line has a lower indentation level
# and mark the end of the example too

>>> 4   # example 4 delimited by the end of the Markdown code block

New lines in the middle of the expected string

An example ends when byexample finds an empty line.

But what if you want to test a multi line text that has empty lines?

You can use a special character like ~ and instruct byexample to ignore it with the rm option.

>>> print("hello\n\nworld!")    # byexample: +rm=~

Any symbol can be used as well like ° or even   (the invisible unicode character U+00A0)

>>> print("hello\n\nworld!")    # byexample: +rm= 

New lines at the end are ignored

By the way, byexample will ignore any empty line(s) at the end of the expected string and from the got string from the executed examples.

Look at this successful example even if the example prints several empty lines at the end which are not expected:

>>> print("bar\n\n")

This is because most of the time an empty new line is added for aesthetics purposes in the example or produced by the runner/interpreter as an artifact.