
Write snippets of code in your documentation and execute them as regression tests.

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Concurrency Model

byexample can execute the examples of multiple files in parallel (or concurrently to be more precise).

By default only one file is processed each time but more can be added with the --jobs command line option.

But exactly how this is done was never officially documented.

This documents describes how byexample implements --jobs and how that could affect the implementation of the modules/extensions/plugins.

Some history

Historically, before byexample 10.0.0, each file was processed by a job or worker that was running in an independent process.

So --jobs 2 involved 3 running programs: the main program and 2 workers.

These workers were exact copies of the main program, byexample, and they were created using multiprocessing.

The copies were done using a fork method. This was a very simple method supported by Linux and MacOS.

But fork didn’t work well in every case (specially under MacOS) and in byexample 10.0.0 we decided to change the concurrency model from multiprocessing to multithreading.

Multithreading model

Instead of forking/copying the main program, multithreading makes the main program to run several threads without copying (or with a minimal copy).

This makes byexample to startup faster and use significant less memory.

On the other hand, due how Python works, you may loose a little of parallelism.

The good news is that this method is well supported in Linux, MacOS and even in Windows.

The N+1 creation rule

Exactly how byexample handles the concurrency is hidden from the developer of modules.

If you are developing an ExampleParser, ExampleRunner, ExampleFinder, ZoneDelimiter or a Concern, you should not have to worry about this.

The only thing that you need to know is that the extension class you are developing (let’s say an ExampleRunner) will be instantiated once in the main program and then once in each worker.

So for --jobs 2, your class will be instantiated 3 times.

This is the N+1 creation rule.

It is guaranteed that the class will be fully created in the main thread before the creation in the workers; the creation order in the workers is undefined and it could even happen in parallel.

In general you should not have a problem with the rule unless you want to share data among the workers or synchronize them.

Sharing data and synchronization

If you are developing, let say a Concern, you may want to create a shared data structure that can be accessible among the other instances of your class in the workers.

Having a shared writable data structure would lead to corruptions so you probably want to use a synchronization mechanism as well.

But the concurrency model is hidden so you cannot use multiprocessing or threading.

Instead byexample will give you two objects: a sharer and a namespace.

On the main thread, your class will be instantiated with a sharer and a namespace objects.

The sharer has some methods to create shared data structures and synchronization mechanism that are compatible with the concurrency model of byexample.

Things like sharer.list() and sharer.dict() are for shared lists and dictionaries while sharer.RLock() and sharer.Barrier() are for synchronization.

These things need to be passed to the workers and for that byexample will give you also a namespace object.

On the main thread, you can store things in the namespace; on the worker thread you can only read them (you cannot store).

All of this sounds more complex than it is!


Imagine that you want a Concern to measure the time that each example takes and keep track of the longest time that one example took.

Something like this:

>>> from byexample.concern import Concern

>>> class MeasureTime(Concern):
...     target = 'measure-time'
...     def __init__(self, **kargs):
...         Concern.__init__(self, **kargs)
...         self.begin = self.longest = 0
...     def start_example(self, *args):
...         self.begin = time.time()
...     def end_example(self, *args):
...         elapsed = time.time() - self.begin
...         self.longest = max(self.longest, elapsed)

Because MeasureTime is instantiated once per worker, self.longest will have the elapsed time of the slowest example of that particular worker.

But if you want to have a global view and see the slowest example of all the workers ?

You need to share information among the workers so we need to modify the MeasureTime a little.

First we need a shared dictionary to store the slowest example per worker, a lock to synchronize the access and job_number will represent each worker.

This is the modified __init__ of MeasureTime:

>>> def __init__(self, sharer, ns, job_number, **kargs):
...     Concern.__init__(self, sharer=sharer, ns=ns, job_number=job_number, **kargs)
...     self.begin = 0
...     if sharer is not None:
...         # we are in the main thread, we can use the sharer
...         # and we can **store** things in the namespace
...         ns.elapsed_times_by_worker = sharer.dict()
...         ns.lock = sharer.RLock()
...     else:
...         # we are in the worker thread, save the job/worker number
...         self.my_number = job_number
...         # keep a private reference to the dictionary and lock
...         # created above
...         # these are *shared* among other instances of MeasureTime
...         # so we must use it with care.
...         #
...         # note that the namespace is **read-only** here
...         self.elapsed_times_by_worker = ns.elapsed_times_by_worker
...         self.lock = ns.lock

Now, on the end_example we need to store the longest elapsed time among all the workers (among all the instances of MeasureTime):

>>> def end_example(self, *args):
...     elapsed = time.time() - self.begin
...     with self.lock:
...         my_longest = self.elapsed_times_by_worker.get(self.my_number, 0)
...         my_longest = max(my_longest, elapsed)
...         self.elapsed_times_by_worker[self.my_number] = my_longest

Because elapsed_times_by_worker is a shared dictionary we need to access it atomically to avoid race conditions. For this we take the lock first.

The standard byexample/modules/ is also an example of this: there the Concern uses a RLock to synchronize the access to the standard output.

Private data (per worker) with sharer

Above we explained how to use the sharer to create shared data structures so the workers can communicate each other.

This is the most flexible scenario where you have a N-to-N communicate but at the same time requires synchronization with a shared lock and this tend to be quite slow.

But if you are in a situation where each worker can live with a private copy without sharing it with any other worker, you can avoid the lock.

>>> def __init__(self, sharer, ns, job_number, **kargs):
...     Concern.__init__(self, sharer=sharer, ns=ns, job_number=job_number, **kargs)
...     if sharer is not None:
...         # we are in the main thread, we can use the sharer
...         # and we can **store** things in the namespace
...         ns.some_data_for_the_workers = sharer.dict({'foo': 'bar'})
...     else:
...         # keep a private copy of the shared dictionary for ourselves
...         # (the worker). Because we will use a copy we don't need
...         # to use a shared lock as there is no possibility of race
...         # condition
...         self.my_private_data = dict(ns.some_data_for_the_workers)

In this way the main thread can send data to its workers in one-way. Don’t forget to do the copy there!

Undefined behavior for non-shared data (not using sharer)

Setting an arbitrary mutable object in ns will lead to unexpected and undefined behavior (read “I don’t know what will happen”).

>>> def __init__(self, sharer, ns, job_number, **kargs):
...     Concern.__init__(self, sharer=sharer, ns=ns, job_number=job_number, **kargs)
...     if sharer is not None:
...         # do *not* do this:
...         ns.raw_object = dict()
...         # this is *ok* because these are immutable pickle-able objects
...         ns.just_an_int = 42
...         ns.immutable_stuff = frozenset({1, 2, 3})

The problem is that byexample can share only very specific kind of objects among the workers and a plain dict or list may not work as expected.

Use always sharer.dict() and sharer.list() to share data (and sharer.RLock() to synchronize them).

For the case of immutable/frozen (with pickle support), byexample supports them out of the box so it is okay to use them.

Multiprocessing model

byexample 10.0.0 not longer support “officially” the multiprocessing model but it is not ruled out entirely.

In a future multiprocessing may be re-enabled again.

That’s the main reason of using sharer and namespace: if you use them in your classes your code will support any concurrency model out of the box.

Caveats on using multiprocessing within an extension/plugin

byexample does not impose any restriction on how your extension/plugin may use or not multithreading and/or multiprocessing internally.

How --jobs works is independent of it.

However, using multiprocessing within an extension has some caveats.

When multiprocessing.Process (or similar) is used, the main Python process (byexample) spawns a fresh Python process to run whatever you wanted in parallel.

Take the following Concern that runs a class’ method in background while byexample is executing an example:

>>> from byexample.concern import Concern
>>> import multiprocessing

>>> class Some(Concern):
...     target = 'some'
...     @classmethod
...     def watch_in_bg(cls, num):
...         # this will be executed in background, in parallel
...         pass
...     def start_example(self, *args):
...         self.child = multiprocessing.Process(
...                         target=Some.watch_in_bg,
...                         args=(42,)
...                     )
...         self.child.start() # This will fail!!
...     def end_example(self, *args):
...         self.child.join()

Why would it fail?

This child fresh process will not have the modules that byexample loaded dynamically so it will likely fail even before executing the class’ method watch_in_bg because the module where Some.watch_in_bg lives is not loaded.

You may see an error like this:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<...>/multiprocessing/", line 116, in spawn_main
    exitcode = _main(fd, parent_sentinel)
  File "<...>/multiprocessing/", line 126, in _main
    self = reduction.pickle.load(from_parent)
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '<...>'

Note: calling multiprocessing.Process will not fail if you are in Linux, however you should not develop your plugin under that assumption. Keep reading!

Since 10.5.1, byexample offers you a mechanism to call multiprocessing.Process safely.

You need to wrap the function with prepare_subprocess_call:

>>> from byexample.concern import Concern
>>> import multiprocessing

>>> class Some(Concern):
...     target = 'some'
...     @classmethod
...     def watch_in_bg(cls, num):
...         # this will be executed in background, in parallel
...         pass
...     def start_example(self, *args):
...         # self.cfg.prepare_subprocess_call takes the 'target' function
...         # and an optional 'args' and 'kwargs' arguments
...         # like multiprocessing.Process does.
...         #
...         # it will return a dictionary that be unpacked
...         # with the double '**' directly into multiprocessing.Process
...         # call
...         self.child = multiprocessing.Process(
...                     **self.cfg.prepare_subprocess_call(
...                             target=Some.watch_in_bg,
...                             args=(42,)
...                         )
...                     )
...         self.child.start() # Start the child process as usual
...     def end_example(self, *args):
...         self.child.join()

I wrote a blog post about the issues using multiprocessing with dynamically imported code. If you want to see the dirty details behind prepare_subprocess_call, you can check the commit b263ba76.

New in byexample 10.5.1: prepare_subprocess_call is a special function that is passed to the __init__ method and can be used to wrap code and arguments to be executed in a separated process.

New in byexample 11.0.0: prepare_subprocess_call can be retrieved from self.cfg directly so it is not needed to capture it from the __init__’s kargs