
Write snippets of code in your documentation and execute them as regression tests.

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The examples are executed by a specific runner based on the language of the examples.

In general, the runner is an interactive interpreter like irb for Ruby or python for Python.

Sometimes it is convenient to change how the interpreter is executed for:

  • using another one (must be compatible)
  • adding or removing environment variables
  • redirecting the standard error
  • executing it remotely

Consider the following example that prints interesting things to standard output and debug/uninteresting things to standard error:

$ cat test/ds/blog-database                          # byexample: +rm= 
     >>> from __future__ import print_function
     >>> import sys
     >>> def load_database():
     ...     print("Loading...")
     ...     print("debug 314kb", file=sys.stderr)
     ...     print("Done")
     >>> load_database()

Running this will fail because the debug print will be mixed with the normal prints and the example above expects only the normal outputs.

$ byexample -l python test/ds/blog-database
debug 314kb

Yes, changing the example solves this but what happen if you cannot change it?

What you can do is to redirect the standard error of the interpreter, python in this case, using the -x-shebang option:

$ byexample -l python \
>   -x-shebang "python:/bin/sh -c '%e %p %a 2>/dev/null'"  \
>   test/ds/blog-database
[PASS] Pass: 4 Fail: 0 Skip: 0

Don’t be scared, the expression python:/bin/sh -c '%e %p %a 2>/dev/null' sets how to execute a runner for python.

The %e, %p, %a tokens are replaced by byexample with the environment, program name and arguments.

Each runner has its own set of values for those tokens.

To simplify let’s assume that %e and %a are empty and %p is python.

So the shebang after the substitutions is /bin/sh -c 'python 2>/dev/null'

This one in turns means: spawn a /bin/sh shell with -c and 'python 2>/dev/null' as arguments.

-c means execute the next argument as a shell command, so this will execute python 2>/dev/null and the 2>/dev/null mean that the standard error should be discarded.

If your shell-fu is a little rusty and the shebang is too magic, don’t worry I had the same problem; it’s for very specific situations and you shouldn’t need to worry about this most of the time.

In addition to %e, %p and %a you can use %w to replace it with the current working directory.

New in byexample 11.0.0: the %w wildcard.

If you need more specific customization you may want to consider creating your own runner. Go ahead, it is much easier than you think.