
Write snippets of code in your documentation and execute them as regression tests.

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Run the Rust examples calling byexample as:

$ byexample -l rust your-file-here                # byexample: +skip

You need the have installed evcxr, an interactive interpreter for Rust.

Check its download page

Note: current versions of evcxr (0.10.0) has a high run time: around 20 seconds for starting up the runner and around 2 seconds per example. There is an ongoing work to improve this.

Stability: experimental - non backward compatibility changes are possible or even removal between versions (even patch versions).

New in byexample 10.2.0.

Find interactive examples

For Rust, byexample uses the >> string as the primary prompt and :: as the secondary prompt.

>> 1 + 2

>> fn hello() {
::    println!("hello bla world"); // classic
:: }

>> hello();           // byexample: +norm-ws
hello   <...>   world

Currently the flags/options can only be set in the single-line comments (//)

The object returned

As you may know in Rust almost everything is an expression and byexample will take and print the value of the expression.

>> 1 + 2

These expressions can be turn into a statement appending a semicolon in which case byexample will not print anything.

>> 1 + 2;

Pretty print

byexample uses the default pretty print of Rust with the format "{:?}".

This works quite well out of the box for native objects and objects with the #[derive(Debug)]:

>> #[derive(Debug)]
:: struct Point {
::   x: f32,
::   y: f32,
:: }

>> let p1 = Point { x: 2.0, y: 3.0 };
>> p1
Point { x: 2.0, y: 3.0 }

>> let array = [1, 2, 3];
>> let tuple = (1, true, 2.3);

>> array
[1, 2, 3]
>> tuple
(1, true, 2.3)

Note: pretty print for arrays and tuple are supported but only up to 12 elements. This is a restriction of Rust.

Known limitations

Runtime performance

evcxr has a high runtime cost. byexample waits up to 30 seconds for the interpreter to be up and up to 8 seconds per example.

If you want to increase these timeouts you can do it with -x-dfl-timeout and --timeout.

Output arrives late

evcxr may tell byexample that an example finished before it really did. byexample works around this and waits a little after each example execution.

You can control how much time byexample will wait with -x-delayafterprompt. The default is a quarter of a second.

If you run an example and this fails because the last part of the expected output is missing and that output appears at the begin of the next example, you are hitting this limitation.

Try to increment the wait time with -x-delayafterprompt.

Slices and closures

Slices are not supported if they are written in the main scope but there is no problem if the slices are defined in the scope of a function

>> let array = [1, 2, 3];

>> // this will not work
>> let slice: &[i32] = &array[0..2];      // byexample: +skip

>> // but this is perfectly fine
>> fn bar(slice: &[i32]) {
::    println!("{:?}", slice);
:: }

>> bar(&array[0..2]);
[1, 2]

The same limitation happens with closures: they are not supported in the main scope but in the functions are okay.

>> let i = 4;

>> // this will not work
>> let closure_implicit = |j| i + j;  // byexample: +skip

>> // but this is perfectly fine
>> fn baz() {
::    let i = 4;
::    let closure_implicit = |j| i + j;
::    println!("{:?}", closure_implicit(2));
:: }

>> baz();

Type text

The type feature (+type) is not supported.

Rust specific options

$ byexample -l rust --show-options       # byexample: +norm-ws
rust's specific options